


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

Low Cost Legal Services

Setup your Corp.oration or DBA
Legally form your new business and get 3 months of legal consultations for only $145. learn more
Free Legal Agreements
Mobile app & templates. Create, sign & send legally binding agreements in seconds. learn more
Every business needs a great attorney.
Lawyers are expensive. Top attorneys charge $300 per hour or more. If that's out your price range, we can help. Our LegalShield service lets you consult with top lawyers for less than $3 per day.
  1. Difficulty collecting money from customers?
    Let the lawyers send demand notices.
  2. Not fully understanding contracts before signing them?
    The lawyers will explain them.
  3. Signing contracts that have terms that are unfavorable to you?
    The lawyers will show you what to change.
  4. Disputes with suppliers, landlords, customers or employees?
    Let the lawyers fix it for you.
  5. Want to minimize the risk of being sued by customers, vendors or employees?
    Lawyers will show you how to cover yourself.
  6. Hiring or firing employees?
    Let the lawyers show you how not to get sued.
  7. Wondering how to incorporate or otherwise legally protect your business?
    The lawyers can set that up for you.
  8. Fully complying with local and national regulations.
    The lawyers know all the traps.
You get all that and more, for as little as $39 per month.
With our LegalShield service, help is just a toll-free phone call away. Call as much as you want, without paying $300+ per hour for the priviledge.
The information contained in this material is for illustration purposes only and is not a contract. It is intended to provide a general overview of the coverage. Please remember that only the plan contract can give actual terms, coverage, amounts, conditions and exclusions. You just got your first taste of fine print! Luckily, this one doesn't have anything sneaky in it and it's short enough not to make your eyes pop out of your skull.