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Intranet Design & Development

Effectively share information
while maintaining security.

When WebTY's develops your Intranet, we do so with a thorough understanding of how each stakerholder will interact. Over 31 years of experience in building Intranets has given us insight that allows your internal web presence to boost employee productivity and decrease internal information dissemination times. WebTY's focuses on:
  • USABILITY - We utilize multiple techniques to ensure your employees locate the information they need as quickly as possible. Intra-departmental communication should instantly improve, saving both time and money.
  • SCALABILITY - As your information needs and human resources expand, your Intranet will scale seamlessly with you. This improves your ROI by maximizing the longevity of your initial intranet investment.
  • SECURITY - Lock down intranet access on a per computer basis or expand to an extranet and allow secure access from off-site for all key stakeholders. Granular control of access to any and all intranet resources creates a completely secure atmosphere.
  • MANAGEMENT - Easily administrate intranet assets on a per user or per group basis. For example, marketing and human resources can have their own customizable sandboxes, with key departmental stakeholders holding elevated privileges.
  • MAINTENANCE - Creating comprehensive and secure maintenance tools that maximize flexibility while retaining an error reducing level of security allows your staff to easily update the intranet's content as needed.
Whether you need to improve an existing Intranet or build a new Intranet from the ground up, WebTY's will help you achieve your goals.